Monday, November 5, 2012

The new Laynie and Belle

I probably need a serene location to write this to make it interesting, but does any mom get that anymore?  Uhhh, nope!  I'm not articulate anyways, so here goes!  

All I want is excitement from my fans and customers for this decision I've made, because we all need reassurance at the end of the day.  As a creative being who's mind is constantly consumed with ideas and projects and craft, gets exhausting. Not really for me, but I am sure for the people that follow my business.  Or at least, that is how I feel.  Sometimes I wonder if people think "What is it that she does exactly?"  Haha, am I right??  Jack of all trades ;)  If I wasn't me, I would annoy me in that aspect...hah!  For real!

After feeling this way for a few months, it was time to make some changes!  At the beginning of every month is when all of my fees to run this business are due.  So to make this decision at the beginning of the month is only logical.  Although, I was going to wait to kick it off for 2013, I couldn't stand it any longer!  So I did sort of make a quick move with my website (Friday) and again, if you follow my business you're probably wondering, w.t.h.?  Hahhaaa, I know!!!  But get excited!!!  Here it is....

Laynie and Belle is going to be focused on design work from now on!  I have found this new passion in design, and I absolutely love creating brands!  I could never give up on the props and creating pieces, so I will still hold an *exclusive* monthly sale...and a handful of best sellers will always be available in my Etsy shop (feather crowns, velveteen hats, etc)!  If I make a new piece, and there is a demand for will be in my Etsy shop as a bestseller :)  Simple as that!  This way doesn't require me hoarded in my studio making pieces, then hours of packaging and shipping.  That right there takes away time from my kids, and that is why I have Laynie and Belle to begin with!!!  There was an awesome balance in the beginning, but with the demand...came the hours.  Running a business is hard work.  Running a handmade business is 10 times the hard work.  You've got the business, you've got the social media part of it, you've got the customer service part, then you've got your family and your life!

My waiting list for design will be opening this week with the kick-off of my new brand (PLUS a giveaway)!  Ultimately it came down to "I am branding people, but I am not even branded myself"  Style is constantly evolving and I feel like I have something to offer with my designs.  I believe in offering an amazing product at a great price, and I am going to do just that!  I look forward to a more balanced business and life schedule!  I am seriously jumping for joy with my decision and I hope you are too!!!

and jess's final concepts!!!  she's picked one and i we are wrapping this up soon!!
To all of my prop addicts, this does not in any way, shape or form mean that the props will be put on the way side!  Ummmm, you should see my supply of materials!!!  I found myself in my studio creating some new pieces this weekend!  This just means that what is available is ready to go, out the door, shipped.  I can't do the 4 week turnaround time and that is the direction things were headed.  I get serious anxiety holding onto an order for longer than a week, which only puts pressure on me!  I'm not a fun person under pressure, which really...who is?  So, you will still be getting Laynie and Belle pieces...they will just be super limited, and more than likely one of a kind.  That makes them better anyways!!!  Speaking of, I have 22 yards of material being delivered today...see told you ;)  Scarves anyone? 

I also have a new project in the works.  Only a handful of people know about it...Photography Sugar (shameless plug=go like this page ;)  is what it's called!  I can't wait for you find out what this is all about.  In the beginning, I didn't want to be attached to it as 'the girl that does Laynie and Belle' does that...but that's sort of where it sprouted from.  You'll love it, I promise!!  Watch for updates :)  

I would love feedback!  I need to know this is good and my customers and fans are excited!!!  Lots of things are happening between now and Wednesday!  My website will be back up in no time and if you are dying to purchase some props, they are and will always be available in my Etsy shop :)  I couldn't do any of this without support from my family and friends, but mainly without support from my fans and customers!  Thank you so much for letting me do what I love :)


  1. I follow you on Facebook. I discovered you through another creative etsy girl. I think it's great that you have the confidence to try new things and seem to be continually readjusting as needed to keep your life and your family balanced. You do beautiful work, whether it be props or designs. I don't know you but I can tell from your work and your writing that should be one proud lady. Congrats on your new line :)

  2. you're amazing! so happy for you. BEST of Luck!
