Friday, November 9, 2012

FREE Holiday card templates & Facebook timeline cover

This entire week has been the biggest relief EVER!  I am getting great feedback from my customers and fans, and I feel I have made the right decision for myself, my family, and YOU!  The website will be launched tonight and my waiting list for design will open.  This includes logo, marketing materials, blog, and website design!  Lots of people getting geared up to unveil a new brand for the new year, and I would love to help you!  

Here are some holiday card templates that I designed as well as a timeline cover.  They all use clipping masks in Photoshop, so some knowledge of Photoshop (as well as PS or Elements) is required.  A clipping mask is simply dragging the picture on top of the template...layer it onto the clipping mask layer.  While pressing the alt button between the layer boxes in the layer widow, one left mouse click will clip it into the mask and you can shift + left mouse click to adjust it to fit into the layer.  There are tons of video tutorials across the web.  It's easier than it sounds ;)  

To download the templates for FREE visit this link here :)

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