Tuesday, October 25, 2011

LOVING my design on the new blog!  I'm not a 'blogger' per say.....but here I can set aside the l&b business, and you can get to know me more.  LOTS of things coming up for the holiday season.  I think I am sitting at 5 giveaways in the works now with other pages :)  More info on them soon!  I am involved in 2 holiday gift guides!  I am not going to have any time this year for any craft fairs, but I am in the process of getting a store front, which is exciting!  You all are keeping me ...busy...  It absolutely amazes me what this little thing has turned into.  I'm thinking I am managing it quite well for the most part, between 2 kids, husband, and a full-time job!!

Stay tuned for the all of the giveaway info on my page

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