I may like this though...who knows. I LOVE LOVE LOVE visiting blogs! So much of y inspiration comes from them. We also have NO immediate family that lives close, and this will be a simple click to keep up with out lives. Did y
ou notice my snow falling :) Ha, not to bad for a beginner. It is only appropriate...especially since, did I hear? MORE snow coming!! YES!!!!!! I hate cold, but I love snow. Hmm??
Well this could be a little about me and what I am. I am Ashley. My husband and I are creeping up to our 4 year wedding anniversary. We got married in the Bahamas :)
I even made my own bouquet and his boutineer. I ripped my dress apart too, and added my own touches. I remember checking out at the fabric store..and the woman asked me what I was making. I said "altering my own wedding dress". The look was priceless....never underestimate though, because it turned out perfect, and was exactly how I wanted it to be!!
I am the mommy to 2 adorable girls! I never thought I would get what I wanted. Alayna will be 6 in March (EEK) and she is the smartest, most well-behaved, little lady...most of the time :) Our personalities are exactly alike and we are the same zodiac sign, so if you believe in all of that, then yeah.....ehhhh!!! Annabelle is 2, and she is my sweetie pie. You look at her wrong and she is instantly heartbroken. She absolutely adores her older sister, and it's the best to see them love on each other. I love my girlies in every way, shape, and form. And I love being a mom! I never thought I would love it as much as I do.....
My husband and I both work full-time. He has a pretty much normal schedule, M-F, 8-5. I am the one with the funky schedule. I am a hair stylist and color specialist at a salon that my cousins own, in Greenwood. I work M-W-F-S. Wednesdays I squeeze in at least 12 hours, sometimes 15! I love every single person I work with! There are 11 of us total. We are a pretty laid back group and seriously get along great! Something you don't find at a lot of salons :) I will totally wear comfortable clothes to work and hats, which is a complete perk in itself. I have some pretty awesome clients too. Reason #1 I love doing what I do. I have only lived here for 2 years, and my clients helped boom my business as a stylist but referring family and friends! Openings are few and far between within a months time, and that is exactly how I like it :)
In my spare time (ha, yeah WHAT spare time???) I have started this Laynie and Belle ::{hair things}::. I needed a hobby. Sort of like an empty nest type thing is what started it. I thought, what am I going to do with my big girl going to Kindergarten!??! In the past, I have tried the whole scrapbooking thing.....nada. I am not much for running around and doing the whole mom group thing (not against those that do it). So with 2 days off a week, I thought...I can do this in my spare time. It has since turned into this HUGE small business type thing, and I loving it!! It is only appropriate for me to make hair things too--being a stylist and all. I spend most of my time researching my supplies and suppliers (like I said I dislike running around). In the beginning I was buying locally, which don't get my wrong I still do. From top companies, like Hobby Lobby and JoAnns. I have recently found most of my suppliers through Etsy though, and it's a good feeling with a small business supporting a small business. I strive for quality with cost in mind. No 2 pieces are alike...because they are not being mass produced. I love seeing my pieces used in photos! That's my favorite part :)
Alright, enough about me!!! Make sure to follow me on here :)
ALL CONTENT © Laynie and Belle
Please do not copy and paste. MY brain works hard on my things and I wish for everything to remain on this blog. Want to share this with your readers? Share my link. Thanks for your cooperation! :)
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